Author Information for LCPC2023

The 36th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing

October 11-13, 2023, Lexington, Kentucky, USA

This page attempts to summarize everything authors need to know about submitting work to LCPC2023. If you have questions that are not addressed here, send email to Henry Dietz with a subject line including LCPC.


Previous LCPC proceedings are available from Springer, and that link will also lead you to the LCPC 2023 proceedings when the final papers have been published by Springer some months after the workshop. We plan to provide electronic access to an informal proceedings at the workshop.

LCPC strongly encourages personal interaction and technical discussions driven by the material presented live and in-person at the workshop. At least one of the authors of each paper is expected to attend the workshop to give a live presention and discuss the work.

Types of Submissions

All papers must be submitted in a form compliant with the Springer Instructions for Authors and Code of Conduct. Springer provides templates for authoring using LaTeX2e, Overleaf, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Word 2003. All of the Springer requirements and resources are summarized here.

For LCPC 2023, there are essentially three different types of submissions. The recommended page count ranges listed for each can be exceeded to make space for bibliographic references.

Regular Paper (12-15 pages)
A previously unpublished paper presenting significant new results. Please avoid any obvious indications of who the authors are in your submission for blind review. This is intended to be primarily used for dissemination of results from a completed research project or phase of a large project. We anticipate a 20-30 minute timeslot for oral presentation of each accepted regular paper.
Short Paper (6-11 pages)
A previously unpublished paper which may be presenting preliminary or incremental results from ongoing research or might even be outlining a possible new approach that has yet to be tested. Please avoid any obvious indications of who the authors are in your submission for blind review. The intent of these papers is primarily to stimutate discussion and interactions within the community rather than to present final results. So-called "wild and crazy idea" white papers are also welcome as short paper submissions. We anticipate a 20 minute timeslot for oral presentation of each accepted short paper.
Panel Overview (4-11 pages)
An overview of a proposed panel discussion. The panel moderator should be the first author, with the panelists as additional authors -- panel submissions will not use double-blind review. The expectation is that the paper will include short statements from each of the panelists wrapped by an introduction and summary written by the moderator. It is understood, and expected, that the individual statements and moderator summary might change or expand significantly in the final LNCS paper version in order to better capture how the panel discussion evolved at LCPC 2023. The review version may even be shorter than 4 pages. We anticipate that somewhat longer timeslots will be allocated for panels, up to about 60 minutes, but introductions and position statements should be kept to no more than about half of the time allocated.

Submission Mechanism

Springer now has a conference paper management system called EquinOCS, which they encouraged us to use for LCPC 2023. The public landing page for LCPC 2023 submissions is:

Note that the system states that all submissions will be given double-blind peer review so the review copy of your Regular or Short paper should not indicate who the authors are, but Panel overview submissions should identify the authors.

Important Dates

Submission (for regular, short, or panel overview papers):
September 4, 2023
This is an extension of the original August 21, 2023 deadline
September 4, 2023 to September 18, 2023 (two weeks after submission)
Attendee registration (required, but NO fee):
Opens TBA, Closes when full
Final Pre-Workshop papers (for informal proceedings):
October 2, 2023
Final Post-Workshop revisions (for LNCS publication):
November 6, 2023

LCPC2023 Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing